
Online Startup Business Pro

Thank you so much for purchasing our item from themes corner.

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, Please feel free to email via Item Support Page.


Follow the steps below to setup your site template:

  1. Unzip the downloaded package and open the /HTML folder to find all the template files. You will need to upload these files to your hosting web server using FTP or localhost in order to use it on your website.
  2. Below is the folder structure and needs to be uploaded to your website or localhost root directory:
    • Installation By WordPress Admin area
      • First you have to log into your WordPress admin
      • Hit Add new theme and click upload
      • Go to Dashboard -> Appearance -> Themes
      • Click on Add New Theme button at top
      • Click Upload Theme button and upload
      • Hit on Activate once upload has finished
    • Installation By FTP
      • Download file from your My Account.
      • Extract Zip file
      • By using your FTP, upload the non-zipped theme folder into the "/wp-content/themes/" folder on your server
      • Go to Dashboard -> Appearance -> Themes and find out online-startup-business-pro theme from list
      • Hit on Activate to active online-startup-business-pro theme.

General Setting

  • Go to Appearence -> Customizer -> General Setting
  • Documentation and examples for header, navbar, sidebar, footer


    The list of various header settings & its descriptions are provided below for your reference:

    All Setting

    There are three tabs here. General, Style and Layout


    You may follow below functionality.

    • Show/hide Sticky Header
    • Show/hide Header Button
    • Add Header Button Text
    • Add Header Button Link
    • Set Header Image Opacity
    • Select Sticky Header BG Color
    • Select Header Style
    • Set Section Width

    Logo Setting

    There are three tabs here. General and Layout


    You may change header site details by using below functionality.

    • Select Logo
    • Add Site Title
    • Add Tagline
    • Hide/Show Site Title
    • Hide/Show Tagline
    • Set Colors For Site Title & Tagline
    • Set Logo Width
    • Set Logo Height
    • SetLogo Padding

    Menu Setting

    There are Three tabs here. General , Style and Responsive Menu

    • Select Menu Dropdown Animations
    • Select Menu Font Case
    • Add Menu Font Size
    • SelectFont Weight
    • Select colors
    • Select colors
    • Add Menu Font Size


    The list of various pages settings & its descriptions are provided below for your reference:

    Inner Pages

    There are Three tabs here. General , Layout and style


    You may follow below functionality.

    • Show/Hide Page Title
    • Add Sidebar Bullet Icon
    • Select Left / Right and No Sidebar
    • Select Page Width
    • Set Image Opacity
    • Select Header Box Transition Effects
    • Select Colors

    Blog Pages

    There are Three tabs here. General, Layout and style

    • Show/Hide Show Hover Thumbnail Image
    • Show/Hide Author
    • Show/Hide Date
    • Show/Hide Comments
    • Show/Hide Excerpt
    • Select Left / Right and No Sidebar
    • Set Excerpt Length
    • Select Width
    • Set Posts Image Hover Overlay Opacity
    • Select Colors

    Single Post

    There are two tabs here. General, Style

    • Select Post Sidebar
    • Show/Hide Author
    • Show/Hide Date
    • Show/Hide Time
    • Show/Hide Category
    • Show/Hide Comments
    • Show/Hide Tag
    • Hide/Show Socials
    • Select Colors

    Contact Page

    There are two tabs here. General, Style

    • Add Contact Heading
    • Add Address, Email and Phone Number
    • Set Left Image
    • Add Form Box Title
    • Add Form Shortcode
    • Add Embed Code for map
    • Select Box Onload Transition Effects
    • Select Colors

    Shop Page

    There are two tabs here. General, Style

    • Select Shop Sidebar Display
    • Add Product Font Size
    • Select Colors

    Testimonials Page

    There are two tabs here. General, Style

    • Hide/Show Excerpt
    • Select Colors

    Team Page

    There are two tabs here. General, Style

    • SetSocials Using On/Off
    • Select Colors

    FAQ Page

    There are two tabs here. General, Style

    • Set Animation Dispay
    • Select Colors

    Gallery Page

    There are two tabs here. General, Style

    • Select Gallery Image Height
    • Select Colors

    Services Page

    There are two tabs here. General, Style

    • Set Service Image Height
    • Set Height For Services Title Box
    • Select Colors

    Other Settings

    The list of various pages settings & its descriptions are provided below for your reference:

    All Setting

    • Show/Hide Back to Top Button
    • Select Back to Top Icon Color

    Font Setting

    There are Seven tabs here. H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, Body Font

    • Add Font size
    • Select Color
    • Select Font Weight

    Breadcrumb options

    • Show/Hide Breadcrumb
    • Add Home Text Here:
    • Select Colors

    Footer Setting

    There are Three tabs here. General , Layout and style


    You may follow below functionality.

    • Add Copyright Text
    • Select Background Color
    • Select Section Background Image
    • Set Background Opacity
    • Select Section Onload Transition Effects
    • Select Content Box Alignment
    • Select Copyright Alignment
    • Select colors
    • Add Top Footer Padding
    • Add Bottom Footer Padding
    • Select Section Width

    Home Section

  • Go to Appearence -> Customizer -> Home Section
  • The list of various Section settings & its descriptions are provided below for your reference:


    There are Three tabs here. General , Layout and style


    You may follow below functionality.

    • Show/Hide Title and description on Slider
    • Set Slider Shapes Display
    • Set Animated Dots Display
    • Select Colors
    • Select Section Width
    • Set Section Padding

    Features Section

    There are Three tabs here. General , Layout and style


    You may follow below functionality.

  • Go to Dashboard -> Appearance -> Customize -> Features Section
    • Show/Hide Disable Section
    • Set Section Shape Display
    • Set Border Shape Display
    • Add Section Heading, Subheading & Section Content
    • Set Button Display
    • Add Button Text
    • AddButton Link
    • Set Number of Features to Show
    • Set FontAwesome Icon
    • Add Title, Content, Set Link
    • Select Section Background Color
    • Select Section Background Image
    • Set Background Opacity
    • Select Box Onload Transition Effects
    • Select Features Title Case
    • Select Section Heading Case
    • Select Feature Box Content Alignmen
    • Select Colors
    • Add Section Padding
    • Select Section Width

    About Us Section

    There are Three tabs here. General , Layout and style


    You may follow below functionality.

    • Show/Hide Disable Section
    • Set Section Circle Shape Display
    • Set Left Image 1 & Left Image 2
    • Set Animating Icon Display
    • Add Year Text
    • Add Experience Text
    • SetSection Bottom Image
    • Add Section Heading, Sub heading & Content
    • Set Number of About List to Show
    • Set FontAwesome Icon
    • Add Title, Content, Set Link
    • Show/Hide Button
    • Add Button Text
    • Add Button Link
    • Select Section Background Color
    • Select Section Background Image
    • Set Background Opacity
    • Select Box Onload Transition Effects
    • Select Section Heading Case
    • Select Section Sub Heading Case
    • Select About List Title Case
    • Select Colors
    • Add Section Padding
    • Select Section Width

    Services Section

    There are Three tabs here. General , Layout and style


    You may follow below functionality.

    • Show/Hide Disable Section
    • Set Section Shape Display
    • Add Section Heading
    • Go to Dashboard -> Services -> Add New -> Add Title, Content, Feature image
    • Select Number of Services to Show
    • Select Select Services from dropdown one by one
    • Select Section Background Color
    • Select Section Background Image
    • Set Background Opacity
    • Select Box Onload Transition Effects
    • Set Services Title Case
    • Select Colors
    • Add Section Padding
    • Select Section Width
    • Set Excerpt Length

    Projects Section

    There are Three tabs here. General , Layout and style


    You may follow below functionality.

    • Show/Hide Disable Section
    • Add Section Heading
    • Go to Dashboard -> Projects -> Add New -> Add Title, Content, Feature image
    • Select Number of Projects to Show
    • Select Select Projects from dropdown one by one
    • Select Section Background Color
    • Select Section Background Image
    • Set Background Opacity
    • Select Box Onload Transition Effects
    • Set Section Heading Case
    • Set Projects Title Case
    • Set Title & Content Box Opacity
    • Select Colors
    • Add Section Padding
    • Select Section Width
    • Set Excerpt Length

    Counter Section

    There are Three tabs here. General , Layout and style


    You may follow below functionality.

    • Set Section Shape Display
    • Select Left Image
    • Add Section Heading
    • Set Section Sub Tagline
    • Add Section Content & List Content
    • Set Button Display, Button Text & Link
    • Select Number of Counters to Show
    • Add Counter Number
    • Add Counter Text
    • Select Section Background Color
    • Select Section Background Image
    • Set Background Opacity
    • Select Button Onload Transition Effects
    • Set Image Border Dots Opacity
    • Select Colors
    • Add Section Padding
    • Select Section Width

    Team Section

    There are Three tabs here. General , Layout and style


    You may follow below functionality.

    • Show/Hide Disable Section
    • Add Section Heading
    • Go to Dashboard -> Team -> Add New -> Add Title, Content, Designation, Socials, Feature image
    • Select Number of Team to Show
    • Select Select A Team
    • Select Section Background Color
    • Select Section Background Image
    • Set Background Opacity
    • Select Section Onload Transition Effects
    • Select Team Title Case
    • Select Colors
    • Add Section Padding
    • Select Section Width

    Testimonials Section

    There are Three tabs here. General , Layout and style


    You may follow below functionality.

    • Show/Hide Disable Section
    • Set Section Shape Display
    • Add Section Heading
    • Go to Dashboard -> Testimonials -> Add New -> Add Title, Content, Designation, Feature image
    • Select Number of Client to Show
    • Select Select A Client Testimonials
    • Select Section Background Color
    • Select Section Background Image
    • Set Background Opacity
    • Select Section Onload Transition Effects
    • Select Testimonial Title Case
    • Select Testimonial Heading Case
    • Set Animated Bottom Circle Opacity
    • Select Colors
    • Add Section Padding
    • Select Section Width

    Contact Section

    There are Three tabs here. General , Layout and style


    You may follow below functionality.

    • Show/Hide Disable Section
    • Add Form Heading
    • Add Form Shortcode
    • SetRight Image
    • Select Section Background Color
    • Select Section Background Image
    • Set Background Opacity
    • Select Section Onload Transition Effects
    • Select Colors
    • Add Section Padding
    • Select Section Width

    Blog Section

    There are Three tabs here. General , Layout and style


    You may follow below functionality.

    • Show/Hide Disable Section
    • Set Section Shape Display
    • Add Section Heading
    • Go to Dashboard -> Post -> Add New -> Add Title, Content, Category, Tag, Feature image
    • Select Number of Posts to Show
    • Check Exclude Category from Blog Posts
    • Set Button Display Using Hide/Show
    • Select Section Background Color
    • Select Section Background Image
    • Set Background Opacity
    • Select Section Onload Transition Effects
    • Select Colors
    • Set Excerpt Length
    • Add Section Padding
    • Select Section Width

    Newsletter Section

    There are Three tabs here. General , Layout and style


    You may follow below functionality.

    • Show/Hide Disable Section
    • Add Section Heading
    • Add Section Tagline
    • Add Form Shortcode
    • Set Right Image Display Using Hide/Show
    • Add Right Image 1 & Right Image 2
    • Set Svg Path Display
    • Select Section Background Color
    • Select Section Background Image
    • Set Background Opacity
    • Select Box Onload Transition Effects
    • Select Section Heading Case
    • Select Section Tagline Case
    • Select Colors
    • Add Section Padding
    • Select Section Width

    General Configuration

  • Go to Appearence -> Customizer -> General Configuration
  • The list of various settings & its descriptions are provided below for your reference:

    Static Front Page

  • Select your homepage displays

  • Background Image Setting

  • Select Background Image

  • Header Image Setting

  • Select Header Image

  • Colors Setting

  • Select Theme Primary Color
  • Select Theme Secondary Color

  • Font Setting

  • Select Heading Fonts/Title Fonts
  • Select Body/Text Font

  • Section Sequence

  • Go to Appearence -> Customizer -> Section Sequence
  • Inter change section Sequence name.